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Listen Toward the Ground (Albuquerque) for ISEA2012 – Video Documentation from Jeremiah Moore on Vimeo.

This video documents sound artwork "Listen Toward the Ground" by Jeremiah Moore, which was exhibited at 516Arts as part of ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness.

Listen Toward the Ground is a site-specific composed soundscape work, designed for listening to while walking. Using headphones and a voice-guided tour format, it superimposes the soundscape of oilfield infrastructure onto the soundscape of downtown albuquerque.

Thus, the usually unseen and unheard landscape of energy extraction is brought into parallel with the daily world in which we live our lives.

The work can be experienced directly on- or off-site by visiting

As the artistic intention is to bring together the sound inside the headphones and the sound of the world as the participants walk through it, the sound in this video consists of the program audio, overlaid with audio recorded during the video shoot of the walk.

Headphones or quality speakers recommended.

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