Articles by jeremiahmoore

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Chinese Whispers Bay Chronicles at Maritime National Historic Park Visitors Center, San Francisco, November 2015

Chinese Whispers Bay Chronicles at Maritime National Historic Park Visitors Center, San Francisco, November 2015

A video and multichannel sound installation about the forgotten history of Chinese shrimp fishing around San Francisco Bay.  A project by Rene Yung in collaboration with Jeremiah Moore (Sound) and Chihiro Wimbush (Video).

Semi-abstract filmed images from the Grace Quan sailings (short video about) to former Chinese shrimping camp sites and fishing grounds are projected on curved fabric scrim material, the shape and scale of which evokes a boat’s sail. Surround 5.1 ambient sound transports the audience, while a tactile transducer in a bench seat renders physical the material processes of shrimping on the San Francisco Bay.

At San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park
November 14, 2015 – January 10, 2016

Visitor Center Theater
499 Jefferson Street at Hyde
San Francisco, California, 94109
(Corner of Jefferson and Hyde Streets)

9:30 AM – 5:00 PM Daily

Closed Christmas and New Years Day
Concept, Design and Project Vision: Rene Yung

Sound artist: Jeremiah Moore
Video artist: Chihiro Wimbush
Set Install: Terrance Graven

Listen Toward the Ground (Albuquerque) for ISEA2012 – Video Documentation from Jeremiah Moore on Vimeo.

This video documents sound artwork "Listen Toward the Ground" by Jeremiah Moore, which was exhibited at 516Arts as part of ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness.

Listen Toward the Ground is a site-specific composed soundscape work, designed for listening to while walking. Using headphones and a voice-guided tour format, it superimposes the soundscape of oilfield infrastructure onto the soundscape of downtown albuquerque.

Thus, the usually unseen and unheard landscape of energy extraction is brought into parallel with the daily world in which we live our lives.

The work can be experienced directly on- or off-site by visiting

As the artistic intention is to bring together the sound inside the headphones and the sound of the world as the participants walk through it, the sound in this video consists of the program audio, overlaid with audio recorded during the video shoot of the walk.

Headphones or quality speakers recommended.

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The TankSave the Tank

In the gray dirt hills of northwestern Colorado lies a world-class acoustic space known as the Tank, where musicians have been recording and listening since the 1970s.  It’s now in danger of being sold for scrap.  Myself and a team of sound artists and musicians are raising funds via Kickstarter to save it from this fate.  Please help pass on the word, and contribute if you can.
I’ve had the pleasure of playing and recording there myself, I can attest:  it is a very special place.  The resonance that I’ve absorbed in that space is something I carry with me; it informs my understanding of sound, of soundmaking, of listening, of music.
Please visit to learn more, and to hear music recorded there. The campaign ends March 31, 2013.

BASE member Andrea Williams has several upcoming events:

  • March 19th: Duo w/Dan Joseph @ Experimental Intermedia, 224 Centre Street at Grand, Third Floor, NYC
  • March 21st: Solo performance and Artist Q&A @ Musical Ecologies Series, Old Stone House, 336 Third Street, bet. 4th/5th Avenues, Brooklyn, NYC
  • Launch Date TBA: Through the Golden Gate: MP3 Audio tour launch event and Artist Q&A for the Golden Gate District, @ P.L.A.C.E., Oakland, CA

Nature Sounds Society – upcoming acoustic ecology related events:

NSS Annual Tech Talk – learn basics of field recording and try out gear.
Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM at Dan Dugan Sound Design.
NSS 29th Annual Field Recording Workshop – Yuba Pass, California – June 21-23, 2013
Multiple field and hands-on nature recording workshop sessions, overnight in tent cabins.
Featured speakers will be Lang Elliott and Marie Read.  Always an excellent time.

Got ideas?

If you’ve got ideas for an upcoming BASEbot, please let us know.

 – Jeremiah Moore

Welcome –

Here is the audio for Listen Toward the Ground, a composed soundscape work designed for listening to while walking.

It’s a voice-guided soundscape tour of the mechanical wilderness of the oilfields of northwest New Mexico, superimposed on the alleyways of downtown Albuquerque.

Listen Toward the Ground was created by Jeremiah Lyman Moore.

Start at the North East corner of 6th and Central, Albuquerque New Mexico, on the corner where the Sushi restaurant is. Then press play.

The walk lasts 13 minutes 27 seconds.

Tech note: There is a direct mp3 link, and a soundcloud player. In testing, the direct link seemed to work best for iPhone and Android. On Android, depending on configuration, the audio may play in “Streaming Media Player.”

Location note: Though created for Albuquerque, the piece can be experienced anywhere. If possible, listen while walking.


Direct mp3 Link (mobile users try this)

Walking Map – Downtown Albuquerque

Walking Map for Listen Toward the Ground ABQ

Music Credit: Group improvisation by Max Bernstein, Mark McCoin, Jeremiah Moore, Bruce Odland,

Listen Toward the Ground was created by Jeremiah Lyman Moore for ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness.

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Several BASE folks are travelling to Albuquerque New Mexico later this month for ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness, the Eighteenth International Symposium on Electronic Art.

In the event you’ll be there, we’d love to see you! Here’s where to find us:


Andrea Williams will be giving an artist talk on Soundwalks and Urban Sound Ecology.

Friday, Sept 21, 9:25am at Hotel Albuquerque, Fireplace Room.

Andrea’s site:

Gas Well, Northwest New MexicoJeremiah Moore will be presenting a new work “Listen Toward the Ground” a participatory self-guided excursion into a virtual soundscape of exposed oil production processes, superimposed on the downtown streets. Hovering between interpretive audio tour, soundscape composition and phychogeographic exploration.

You’ll be able to do the tour anytime by downloading the audio to your own player. But why not be social? Come by our table at the Downtown Block Party by 516arts, amidst art cars, food trucks, and various performances.

Downtown Block Party
Sunday Sept 23, 4pm – 8pm
Central Ave between 4th and 6th streets.

Intel Education Day / Downtown Block Party on ISEA2012 website

Downtown Block Party on the organizers website

When ready, audio for your own device will be downloadable here on the BASE website.

Another Acoustic Ecology presence, our colleague Andrea Polli, formerly of New York Society for Acoustic Ecology, is the artistic director of ISEA2012.

A film about her work is screening Friday 9/21 between 9:00am and 5:00pm as part of “LOOPED SCREENING: ISEA2012 Documentary Films: Observation and Interventions” at Albuquerque Museum’s Gem Theater.

Andrea Polli will also be part of the ISEA2012 Education Forum on Sunday, Sept 23, 3:15pm – 5:30pm at Hotel Andaluz, Majoraca Room


Hello compatriots, fellow listeners and inhabitants of earth –

This Sunday afternoon, Bay Area Sound Ecology is holding a soundwalk at Land’s End, hosted by Jeremiah Moore.

Come join if you can for a social listening experience – walking into the wildlands off the corner of the city. Shipwrecks, rocky cliffs and forest glens. This is a mildly strenuous short hike involving singletrack trail, stairs and beach. You may wish to bring a snack and some water.

It may be windy, and the wind may be cold. Much of the trail is sheltered, but some is quite exposed. Dressing in layers is recommended.

Sunday April 22, 2012
Meet at 3:30 pm, departing promptly at 3:45pm.
expected duration about 2 hours.

Meet at the Lands End Eagle’s Point trailhead. This is at the EASTERN end of Lincoln Park, right on El Camino Del Mar, just into the park from Seacliff and China Beach. (NOT at the end near Sutro Baths / Seal Rocks.)

Facebook Event:


By Public Transportation:
Take the 38 Geary to 32nd Ave. Walk north to California, and then cut west to Lincoln Park. There’s a nice trail here behind trees from the golf course, behind the school. It drops you right at the trailhead shortly. Also served by the 18 / 46th ave.

There appears to be ample parking along El Camino Del Mar. Should parking be difficult on the day, we’ll hold the start time for a few minutes to accomodate.

The trail includes stairs and some steep and rocky sections.

Kids welcome provided they understand it will be a (mostly) non-talking walk.

hope to see you there!


lands end labyrinth


This coming Monday evening, BASE will be holding a free soundwalk hosted by Andrea Williams and Jeremiah Moore, in the urban forests of Mount Sutro in San Francisco.

[facebook event page here ]

Monday, July 18th 2011
meet at 6:30pm
walk departing promptly at 6:40pm
ending at approximately 8:30pm

(July 18th is World Listening Day, and the birthday of composer R. Murray Schafer)

Meeting point is the intersection of Parnassus and Medical Center Way.  We will meet at 6:30 and depart promptly at 6:40.

Andrea will be holding a RED BALLOON.

This is a mildly strenuous 2-ish mile hike involving singletrack trail and a few stairs. You may wish to bring a snack and some water.  The walk will not be wheelchair accessible.


Getting There
Here is a google maps link.

The starting point is on the eastern edge of the University of California San Francisco medical school campus, on Parnassus Ave.  We’ll meet on the corner of Parnassus and Medical Center Way.  Medical Center Way is the small street which curves away behind the main UCSF campus.

By Car:
The walk will exit Sutro Forest at 17th Street and Stanyan.  If you drive, you may want to look for parking in that area.
There is UCSF parking in the Millberry Union Public Garage at 500 Parnassus Avenue.  For the 2+ hours of the soundwalk, parking there will cost you $10.50.

By public transit:
Take the N streetcar to Hilway Ave, right at the Medical School (transfer from BART at any market street station) and walk one block up to Parnassus and Hilway.  Walk a few hundred feet east. Alternately take Muni bus route 6-Parnassus which drops you off right at the corner of Parnassus and Hilway.  Again, walk a few hundred feet east.

Update:  The soundwalk was a great success.  We will be posting a reportage.

Forest Photo credit:

Cheryl Leonard recording Glaciers in Antarctica

In 2009, Composer, performer, improviser, recordist and instrument builder Cheryl Leonard travelled to Palmer Station, Antarctica in search of sounds and music. She returned with a wealth of recordings, stories, and materials for building musical instruments. Cheryl shared her work at BASEbot on Feb 21, 2010.

In her own words, Cheryl “creates experimental music using amplified natural objects as instruments.” If you want to get the drift, just imagine improvising a windswept landscape using a penguin bone screwed to driftwood, a contact mic, and a loop of light cotton rope. Or bowed limpet shells. Or evoking a flow of brash ice with resonant stones worn smooth by century after century of nesting penguins.

I encourage you to check out Cheryl’s Antarctic Trip Blog. She’s a fantastic storyteller, and there are a lot of great photos. Being a blog, the first page is the most recent, meaning it’s about the gigs after the trip rather than the trip. So you might start with the First post and work your way forward.

Also see my BASEbot 005 photo set on Flickr.

Cheryl’s main website is She’s got an an Antarctic field recordings CD called Chattermarks available for sale there. (or on iTunes)

Thanks to Dan and Sharon for hosting us!


On Saturday Nov 13, 2010, BASE hosts the next in our series of BASEbot listening salons, featuring recordist, sound designer, and musician

Rudy Trubitt

who will present work focusing on sonic surprises and unexpected events.

BASEbot 006 will be held

SATURDAY, November 13th, 2010
2:30 pm doors, starting promptly at 3
~an hour of formal presentations followed by Q&A and mingling. Bring sounds to share!


Dan Dugan Sound Design
290 Napoleon Street Studio E
San Francisco, CA 94124

Please come LISTEN and Expect The Unexpected!

Sometimes what you planned to record isn’t nearly as interesting as what’s happening behind you. Sound Designer Rudy Trubitt brings an assortment of sonic suprises to Basebot November 13, 2010.

Rounding out the evening’s entertainment will be the multi-channel presentation of “Exciting and Unexpected Cleaning Events,” (see below) a work premiered at the 2005 San Francisco Tape music festival and not heard since.

Attendees are encouraged to bring recordings of their own surprised recordings preferably in wav, aiff or higher quality mp3 formats on CD-R, DVD-R, or USB drive or your own iPod or other player (no more than a couple minutes in length, please).


is an original field recording made in a confined space with 10 individual microphones. Minimal editing and signal processing were applied to create the finished work. Recorded by Die Elektrischen and Rudy Trubitt with immeasurable help from Bruce Koball,

In December 2004, NASA engineers monitoring the Mars Rover “Opportunity” noticed a suprising increase in the power output from the planetary explorer’s solar panels. The only explanation was something (or someone) had swept accumulated dust from the Rover. “These exciting and unexplained cleaning events have kept Opportunity in really great shape,” the London-based New Scientist magazine quoted NASA rover team leader Jim Erickson as saying.

About Rudy Trubitt

Rudy began playing and recording music in 1975. He is involved with music recording, editing and mastering, sound effects work and multimedia audio production. He is also a professional musician and long-time member of the very popular rock band for kids, The Sippy Cups. He has written five books and hundreds of magazine articles on sound and music production and has taught classes at BAVC and SF State University College of Extended Learning.

Rudy’s website

The Sippy Cups website

More on BASE and BASEbot

Bay Area Sound Ecology is an interdisciplinary forum centered around listening and the soundscape.  We create projects and events to promote sound-environment awareness, making and encouraging opportunities for ear-opening sonic encounters.

BASEbot is a meeting place for ear-minded people, an experiment in bringing people together around listening and the soundscape. At each event we invite someone to present their work with sound in front of an audience in an intimate setting. We discuss, we talk shop, we meet one another. Our plans always include some “open floor” time during which attendees can share short excerpts of work.

Learn more on our website at

More on Acoustic Ecology, the ASAE, and WFAE

BASE is the Northern California chapter of the ASAE, The American Society for Acoustic Ecology, the US chapter of the World Forum on Acoustic Ecology.

The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE), founded in 1993, is an international association of affiliated organizations and individuals, who share a common concern for and interest in the world’s soundscapes. Our members represent a multi-disciplinary spectrum of individuals engaged in the study of the social, cultural and ecological aspects of the sonic environment.


Please write BASE co-chair Jeremiah Moore at

The world listening project’s inaugural World Listening Day takes place Sunday, July 18th, 2010.

You are invited to participate.

The purposes of World Listening Day are:

  • to celebrate the practice of listening as it relates to the world around us, environmental awareness, and acoustic ecology;
  • to raise awareness about issues related to the World Soundscape Project, World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, World Listening Project, and individual and group efforts to creatively explore phonography;
  • and to design and implement educational initiatives which explore these concepts and practices.

World Listening Day is being organized by the World Listening Project, in partnership with the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology. July 18 was chosen as the date for World Listening Day because it is the birthday of the Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer, who is one of the founders of the Acoustic Ecology movement. The World Soundscape Project, which Schafer directed, is an important organization which has inspired a lot of activity in this field, and his book The Soundscape: Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World helped to define many of the terms and background behind the acoustic ecology movement.


BASE is not holding any formal event this year, but I encourage you to spend some time listening, or organize a soundwalk with friends to celebrate this inaugural day!

Hildegard Westerkamp has written a wonderful treatise on soundwalking – I encourage you to read it and try it out!

-jeremiah moore

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